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Font design for Legambiente, a non-profit leading environmental organisation in Italy that works for the safeguarding and enhancement of natural resources; environment; common health; animal and plant species; historical, artistic and cultural heritage; territories and landscapes. It is formed by 20 regional committees and more than 2000 local groups. Since its foundation in 1980, Legambiente’s hallmark is the scientific environmentalism, which is the willingness to build every environmental protection project on a solid base made of scientific data. Legambiente mission is to make environmental culture at the centre of a new kind of development and diffused well-being.

design Francesco Subioli
Client Legambiente


for food

creating healthy lifestyles and food experiences


for nature

promoting sustainable development


for people

products for daily life


for community

connecting people and inspiring communities


for education

creating the future



knowledge sharing and inspiration for the future